Wednesday, September 29, 2010

The Point Park University Student Center: In Color

Here are some photos that highlight the colorful side of the Point Park University Student Center.

A Night In Pgh

A cold, long journey through downtown Pittsburgh.

Dwellings of A PPU Cigarette Smoker...

This slideshow is a tribute to the places around the PPU Campus that cigarette smokers smoke. By: Jeff Stitt

Point Park Between Fourth & Wood

Sideshow: The People of Second Life

This slideshow reveals the various avatars who populate Second Life, a virtual world created by Linden Lab and used by millions of people across the world.

Computer Service Center

This slide show contains photos of Point Park University's Computer Service Center, located in 403 Academic Hall. If any student has problems or difficulties with their computer, they can go to the Computer Service Center to get help.

A Day On Campus

I took my camera with me and took pictures throughout my day.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

First day of fall!

It's a gorgeous day in downtown Pittsburgh. The sun is shining over the tops of buildings and the air is still warm, even though the seasons officially shift today. Flowers in alumni park are still in bloom and the few leaves we do have remain green, but for how much longer?

Nikki, Richelle, and Nicole

Breaking news!

Sources confirm that Michele Haney, 20, has received the package she ordered. Initial comments show that, as expected, she "is pretty psyched about it."